Apply for Preliminary Credentials
Candidates who have completed the program and met all program requirements are ready to apply for a Preliminary Multiple or Single Subject Teaching Credential. This credential allows you to teach for five years while meeting the requirements for your Clear Teaching Credential.
Toward the end of each semester, our college sponsors a Credential Application Orientation to help you prepare to submit an application to our Credentials Office. Below is some information to help you understand the process and the credential you will apply for.
Submitting an Application
All applications are processed through the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Lurie College of Education Credential Services Office in Sweeney Hall (SH) 445. Visit the Credential Services Office webpage for full information on applications requirements and the process of submitting an application. Once you have collected your application materials, you may submit your application packet to the Credentials Office located in SH 445.
Preliminary Credential
California teaching credentials work on a two-tier system: Preliminary and Clear credentials. When you complete our program and meet all program requirements, you will qualify for a Preliminary Credential. The credential is valid for 5 years after the date it is issued by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
During this 5 year window, you will be expected to find a job and complete a Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment (BTSA) program in order to meet the requirements for a second-tier Clear credential. Arrangements for enrolling you in a BTSA program are handled by your employer and culminate in a portfolio that resembles the PACT or CalTPA Teaching Event.
English Learner (EL) Authorization
All students completing our credential program meet the state requirements for EL
authorization. English Learner (EL) authorization means that you are prepared to provide
subject specific instruction to designated English Learners. However, this credential
does not include a bilingual authorize (i.e. primary language instruction in another
a language other than English.) A bilingual authorization is needed for bilingual
instruction. For more information about serving English learners, refer to CTC leaflet CL-622.
Since 2014 our teaching credential programs are embedded with the following EL authorizations
which authorize:
1) ELD Within the Content Area
These are the codes that are granted depending on the teaching credential:
- ELAM - Multiple Subject
- ELAP - PK-3
- ELAS - Single Subject
Adding a Second Credential
Single Subject or Multiple Subject Credential candidates interested in adding an additional single subject credential to their preliminary or clear credential should refer to the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Credential Services.
In general, adding an additional subject area to a single or multiple subject credential requires subject matter competency (established through coursework or exam) and the corresponding subject specific methods course.