Student Teaching
Multiple Subject Credential Program Student Teaching
If you are a student in the MSCP/MA Program and you plan to enroll in EDEL 143A or EDEL 143B, please go to the links for information on how to enroll.
- Dena Sexton, Field Experience Director
- Office hours available by appointment
Department Policy Regarding Determination of Candidate Competence in Student Teaching
According to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), candidates must attain competency in all areas of relevant content and communication outlined in the CTC standards. The Elementary Education Department has thus adopted procedures to ensure such competence. Should a candidate perform unsatisfactorily in either phase of the practicum by failing to achieve the expected level of performance, the Process for Remediation would be enacted. If the process of remediation is unsuccessful, or if the candidate is removed from a practicum placement, she or he will receive no credit for that phase of the practicum.
The candidate will have two opportunities to successfully complete either EDEL 143A or EDEL 143B. If time allows, the second opportunity may occur within the same semester. If there is not adequate time left in the semester, the second opportunity will occur in a subsequent semester. Two unsuccessful experiences in either EDEL 143A or EDEL 143B will disqualify a candidate from the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Multiple Subject Credential Program.
EDEL 143A Information
EDEL 143B Information
Additional Forms
Single Subject Credential Program Student Teaching
Student teaching Phase I and II/III are clinical field experiences where credential candidates can implement the knowledge and skills they've learned in seminars. Student teachers have the opportunity to observe and assist mentor teachers, develop lessons plans and curriculum materials, teach lessons and work with students, design and implement assessments, and refine their practice. Student teaching is divided into two semester-long experiences: Phase I and Phase II/III Student Teaching.
Phase I Student Teaching (184X)
- Student teachers work with their mentor teacher two periods each day, with an additional time set aside each week to confer, debrief and/or plan.
- The experience culminates with 3 weeks of lead teaching in one of the two periods.
- During the Phase I semester, students also enroll in EDTE 260: Learning Environments and attend a support seminar to talk about their student teaching experiences.
- Both seminars are designed to help student teachers prepare for the responsibilities of classroom instruction.
- To be eligible for Phase I student teaching, students must meet subject matter competency requirements.
Phase II and III Student Teaching (184Y and 184Z)
- Student teachers step up their commitments, working with a mentor teacher(s) four periods each day.
- Student teachers lead teach two of the four periods for the entire time until the end of the placement school's semester.
- In addition, student teachers must complete two weeks of full-day participation in the classroom and fulfill the requirements for the summative assessment for the program: The Performance Assessment for California Teachers.
Student Teaching Handbook
Our Secondary Ed Student Teaching Field Guide [pdf] provides information about responsibilities, recommended activities and assessments. We recommend that all student teachers download and read through the handbook before beginning student teaching.
All student teaching placements are arranged by the university, in collaboration with local administrators, to ensure quality and fairness. Upon District agreement to establish a placement, the placement is subject to the approval of site administration and the mentor teacher.
The administrator and/or mentor teacher may request to interview the teacher candidate before agreeing
to serve as mentor and has the right to decline the placement. If a teacher candidate
is unplaceable for more than one semester, the candidate will be disqualified from
the program.
Placements at San Jose State University are made within our primary service area (within Santa Clara County) based on program criteria, including school demographics,
mentor teacher experience and credentials, and course distribution. Placements outside
of our primary service area but still within Santa Clara County may be possible depending
on supervisor availability.
Unfortunately, we do not make placements outside of Santa Clara County and student teachers may not arrange their own placements or set their own schedules. However, we do our best to take geography and time constraints into account as we arrange placements.
PK-3 Early Childhood Education Credential