Critical Bilingual Authorization
Our community has always been multilingüal. Long before laws have declared multilingüalism desirable, we were communicating in infinite ways. Now, it is the time to grow and expand, to make your city, California, the US, the world, rich with a language that honors experiences and legacies. ¡El bilingüismo es justicia!
The 菠菜网lol正规平台 Lurie College of Education Critical Bilingual Authorization Pathway (CBAP), Bilingüismo y Justicia, prepares teachers to obtain an authorization to serve in dual immersion or bilingual school settings in California. The pathway specializes candidates in pedagogy, practices, and ability to identify linguistic assets and potential for students and empowers candidates to be changemakers in their own context.
To learn more about the Critical Bilingual Authorization Program, Bilingüismo y Justicia (Spanish), please contact
To learn more about the Critical Bilingual Authorization Program (Mandarin/Vietnamese), please contact Dr. Yu Zhang (
- What is Critical Bilingual Authorization Pathway?
- Applicant Information Session
- Becoming a Spanish Bilingual Teacher
- Becoming an Asian Language Bilingual Teacher
- CBAP Faculty
- How is this program different?
- What do students have to say?
Bilingüismo y Justicia Program Overview
- Fundamentos Críticos: Three bilingüal sections in foundations courses foster a critical lens to appraise bilingüalism and education in the world, in the US, in California, and in your community. Through these courses on (1) sociology of education, (2) language pedagogy, and (3) literacy development, we seek to empower candidates and feed the liberatory potential of multilingüalism.
- Comunidad Crítica Bilingüe: In our bilingüal seminar we engage with bilingüal possibilities and issues, embracing, nourishing, and challenging our perspectives and identities. We ambitiously envision a multilingüal world through our daily experience in the program. We commit to discussions using the full wealth of our language tools. Above all, we support one another. Somos una comunidad crítica.
- Experiencias en el Salón: Our program offers 2 semesters of field placement in bilingüal classrooms, supported by bilingual mentors and bilingüal supervisors. The field placement seminar where those experiences are discussed is integrated in the bilingüal seminar. Theory and practice go hand in hand to make a critical difference.
- Apoyos Bilingües Críticos: We care, deeply. The members of our community are supported with a variety of optional, student-centered, sustaining, and critical workshops on effective bilingüal communication and how to get the job you aspire to. Additionally, we push the rigor and sharpen our critical thinking with events like the bilingüal speaker series, or our professional development minigrants.
CBAP - Bilingüismo y Justicia (Spanish)
Do you want to put your Spanish skills to a transformational purpose? What is the Spanish Critical Bilingual Authorization Program (CBAP) about? How does it work in relation to my credential program? What is the work that I have to do? Are there related costs? What will this program provide me with?
See here for more information! (Spanish) [pdf]
CBAP - Bilingualism is Justice (Asian Languages)
Do you have Mandarin, Vietnamese, Korean skills and want to build a multilingual California? What is the Asian Language Bilingual Authorization Program? How does it work over time? What are my options to take the authorization courses? What supports can I get? What will the program provide me with?
Currently there are CSU grants that could pay for your credential program (20k!) limited to those who apply for a bilingual authorization in an Asian language. Don´t miss this scholarship opportunity! We will support you to apply!
Regarding CSU Summer/Fall 2025 scholarships, the deadline to apply is March 1, 2025. You may find the application link here:
- Credential + BiAu scholarship application for Fall 2025
- BiAu Only scholarship application for Summer/Fall 2025
See here for more information! (Mandarin, Vietnamese) [pdf]
Add-on Bilingual Authorization Courses:
Mandarin or Spanish
Do you want to make a life-changing difference for your students and yourself? Add a bilingual authorization to your teaching credential. Whether you have the credential already or you are in the process of obtaining it, getting a bilingual authorization and being able to teach your subject matter bilingually will take your professional satisfaction to a new level. Further, it will dramatically increase your potential to be hired, whether in a bilingual or an English context because it prepares you to embrace California´s linguistic and cultural diversity. Last but not least, it will support you in getting community impact and opening new ways for excellence and equity. Bilingüismo y Justicia´s authorization program will be there to learn with and from you along the way.
RSVP to an info session + view dates
Upcoming Info Sessions
Click the RSVP button to see a list of upcoming dates. For Applicants interested in Asian Languages, there are specific sessions. See below.
RSVP for an upcoming online cafecito info session via Zoom
Bilingüismo y Justicia pushes the envelope
Listen to Lurie College faculty Luis Poza and Eduardo Muñoz-Muñoz discuss Bilingüismo y Justicia in further detail in our Innovations Podcast below.
Meet Some Bilingüismo y Justicia Students
Fanny Camacho is earning her multiple subject teaching credential and bilingual authorization. Fanny was also a recipient of a California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) grant.
Bilingüismo y Justicia students Rubby Barajas, Olivier Castañeda, Heather Simonovich, Stephanie Muñoz, Adriana Priego, Jazmin Mendez, and Raul Leon received grants to use towards professional development. Learn about how they utilized their grants during the COVID-19 pandemic and how the program has prepared them to become transformative bilingual teachers.
Equity-Driven Leadership for Dual Immersion Programs Webinar
As part of the Equity-Driven Leadership for Dual Immersion Programs Fall 2020 webinar series, Bilingüismo y Justicia and the CSU Fullerton Departments of Teacher Education and Educational Leadership teamed up to present “Building Partnerships Against the Bilingual Teacher Shortage."
Meet the Bilingüismo y Justicia Faculty
Contact Us
To learn more about the Critical Bilingual Authorization Program, Bilingüismo y Justicia, please contact