The Department of Public Health and Recreation (PHR) at 菠菜网lol正规平台 has the legacy of influential contributions to and having meaningful impacts on our diverse students, alumni, and community at large. Our faculty are experts in their fields and dedicated to learning, research, and service, and producing the next generation of public health and recreation leaders and professionals.
Learn more about our tenured/tenure-track faculty, lecturers, and emeritus faculty. 菠菜网lol正规平台 ScholarWorks Gallery links are accessible by clicking on the faculty members name below. Please be advised not all faculty have a gallery profile. But you can view their work using the "Search" option.
- Department Chair
Allen, Monica, DrPH, MPH
Department Chair
- Tenure Line Faculty
Buckner, Anji, EdD
Assistant Professor
Undergraduate Public Health Program Coordinator
anji.buckner@fenxiong.netCarter, Andrew, PhD
Assistant Professor
andrew.carter@fenxiong.netDougan, Marcelle, ScD, MPH, MEng
Assistant Professor
marcelle.dougan@fenxiong.netGomez, Vicky, DrPH
Assistant Professor
vicky.gomez@fenxiong.netPark, Charles, DrPH
Assistant Professor
charles.park@fenxiong.netRoss, Susan, PhD, CTRS, RTC
Associate Professor
susan.ross@fenxiong.netWorthen, Miranda, PhD
miranda.worthen@fenxiong.netZhang, Ni, PhD
Associate Professor
- Lecturer Faculty
Aghaei, Atefeh, PhD, MS
public-health-recreation@fenxiong.netAgroia, Harit, DrPH, MPH
harit.agroia@fenxiong.netBartlett, Russ, MPH
russell.bartlett@fenxiong.netBetka, Jasmine, MPH
jasmine.betka@fenxiong.netCastle, Arden, MPH
MPH Accreditation Coordinator
arden.castle@fenxiong.netCollopy, Caryn, MS
caryn.collopy@fenxiong.netDuong, Cindy, MA
cindy.duong01@fenxiong.netDoyle, Catherine, MPH
catherine.doyle@fenxiong.netDuphily, Monique, PhD
monique.duphily@fenxiong.netDuplaisir, Heather, MS
heather.duplaisir@fenxiong.netGarcia, Isabella, MPH
isabella.t.garcia@fenxiong.netGloner, Mary, MPH, MBA
mary.gloner@fenxiong.netGonzalez, Lizbeth, MS
lizeth.gonzalez@fenxiong.netHillman, JoAnna, MPH
master-public-health@fenxiong.netJohal, Jennifer, MD, MPH, CHES
jennifer.johal@fenxiong.netJohnson, Jennifer, MPH
public-health-recreation@fenxiong.netKhodaskar Khapare, Neha, BDS, MDS, MPH
neha.khodaskarkhapare@fenxiong.netLam, Jesse, MA, PsyD
jesse.lam@fenxiong.netLee, Jasmine, DrPH, MPH
public-health-recreation@fenxiong.netLee, Kevin, DrPH, MPH
public-health-recreation@fenxiong.netLo, Timothy, MPH
timothy.lo@fenxiong.netMoore, Matthew, JD, MPH
matthew.d.moore@fenxiong.netMorgan, Lisa, MPH
lisa.morgan@fenxiong.netNoonis, Felicia, MPH
felicia.noonis@fenxiong.netOropeza, Eliana, MPH
eliana.oropeza@fenxiong.netPaterson, Soly, MBA
soly.paterson@fenxiong.netPollett, Lenea, MPH,
public-health-recreation@fenxiong.netPrabhakaran, Mahima, BDS, MPH
mahima.prabhakaran@fenxiong.netPuckett, Melissa, MPH
melissa.puckett@fenxiong.netRinck, Robert, PhD, MPH
MPH Fieldwork Coordinator
robert.rinck@fenxiong.netRoe, Kevin, MPH
MPH Program and Assessment Coordinator
kevin.roe@fenxiong.netSarath, Athira, MBBS, MPH
athira.sarath@fenxiong.netShah, Roshni, MPH
roshni.shah@fenxiong.netShaw, Alissa, MLA
alissa.shaw@fenxiong.netSherry, Brooke, MPH
public-health-recreation@fenxiong.netShields, Scott, MPH
scott.shields@fenxiong.netShimada, Shannon, MPH
shannon.shimada@fenxiong.netTippins, LeeAnn, MPH, CHES
leeann.timbrook@fenxiong.netTirumalai, Evelyn, MPH, RN, PHN
public-health-recreation@fenxiong.netToney, Philly, MS
philrene.toney@fenxiong.netTrainor, Nikole, MPH, MCHES
nikole.trainor@fenxiong.netUmi, Shukura, MPH
shukura.umi@fenxiong.netVasanth, Sahana, MPH
sahana.vasanth@fenxiong.netWilliams, Naomi, MPH
naomi.williams@fenxiong.netWilliams, Schantel, MPH, MHA
- Emeritus Faculty
The programs within the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Department of Public Health and Recreation (PHR) were founded and shaped by a group of visionary faculty. Much of who we are and how we work together was forged by these pioneers. They imagined academic programs founded on the core principles of our fields - public health and recreation - integrating community-based learning, and infused with professional development and leadership opportunities for students, alumni, and community/industry partners. Long before they became part of our professional vocabulary, these department leaders understood cultural humility, health equity, authentic meaningful engagement, service-learning, and social justice, among others. We will always be grateful for their vision and decades of hard work. Many years later, we are still inspired deeply by their choices and their lives as our proud legacy.
Emeritus Faculty include:
Anne L. Demers, EdD, MPH
B. Burt Gerstman, PhD, MPH, DVM
Edward Mamary, DrPH, MS
Daniel P. Perales, PhD, MPH
Kathleen Roe, DrPH, MPH
Kim S. Uhlik, PhD
- In Memorium
Jennifer C. Hartle, DrPH, MHS, CIH (2022)
Dan McClure, MA (2023)
Jana Ruijgrok Neubauerova, MUP, MA (2023)
Sam Radelfinger, EdD, MPH (2024)
Helen S. Ross, EdD, MPH (2016)
E.B. Troast, MPH (2021)