About Us

School of Nursing Peace Pole Unveiling

This investment in yourself is well worth the short-term sacrifice. I had several goals I wished to pursue... [which] I have achieved [ ] due in part to the terrific support and guidance I received from faculty and fellow alumni of this program."

Sharon Likely Sprague, DNP, MBA, RN, OCN (2019 Graduate)

We look forward to connecting with you. Our program pages contain a wealth of information, for both prospective and current students. Please take a moment to explore.

Office Hours

Day(s) Office Hours
Monday-Friday 10 AM-12 PM
2-4 PM

The office will be closed on school observed holidays.

Program Emails

Program Program Email
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) nursing@fenxiong.net
RN to BS in Nursing, Bridge Program nursing@fenxiong.net
Master's of Science in Nursing nursing-graduate@fenxiong.net
Doctor of Nursing Practice doctornursingpractice@fenxiong.net
Specialization Education Program (Wound Care, Ostomy  Care, and Foot/Nail Care) woep-group@fenxiong.net