Christina Turner

EMAIL:Christina Turner

San Jose State University
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192-0119

Monday 5:00pm - 6:00pm in person and by appointment

Christina Turner, CPA, has served as the City Manager for Morgan Hill since 2017. She provides leadership for the City's operations, preparing and administering the biennial budget, engaging the community, and fostering a highly collaborative work environment. Previously, Christina was Morgan Hill's Assisant City Manager and oversaw Finance and Budget, Human Resources, Information Services, and Council Services. She was instrumental in transitioning Morgan Hill to a two-year budget cycle and assessing existing policies and processes to enhance customer satisfaction and organizational effeciency. Her other professional experience includes Finance Director/Treasurer for the City of Gilroy, Financial Reporting Director in the private sector, and Senior Auditor for a public accounting firm.

Christina is actively involved with the League of California Cities, an entity that works with cities to protect local control through education and advocacy. She is a member of the League's Audit Committee, a speaker at League conferences, and previously served as the President of the League's Fiscal Officers Department and on the Revenue and Taxation Policy Committee. Christina is currently the Board Chair of the California Cooperative Liquid Assets Securities System, a Joint Powers Authority offering a pooled local investment program for public agencies. Christina is a recognized member of the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) and Next Gen Silicon Valley Committee, which offers programs to enhance knowledge about local government agencies, career opportunities, and skill advancement.