Teaching Associates

The department hires qualified graduate students as Teaching Associates every semester. Although applications are accepted at any time, it is best to apply for a TA position by the stated deadlines. The deadline for Fall 2025 is June 1, 2025. The deadline for Spring 2026 is Oct 31, 2025.

To be considered for a TA position, you must be admitted as a classified graduate student. Single Subject credential students in Mathematics are also eligible to apply.

The following documents are required to complete each application.

  1. Application Form
  2. A brief, typed personal statement. This narrative should include your goals and objectives as a graduate student.
  3. Completed and signed Statement of Professional Preparation and Experience (SC-1) form. SC-1 [pdf]    Please do not include your Social Security number on that form.
  4. Transcripts showing all college and graduate courses. For consideration, we will accept unofficial transcripts. But we will need official copies for your employment paperwork.
  5. Three letters of recommendation, on your behalf, should be emailed directly from your recommender's institutional email to the chair, Dr. Steven Crunk. Please include at least one letter that addresses your experience or potential to be an engaging math instructor and one that addresses your mathematical ability.  At least two of your recommenders must be affiliated with an institution of higher education.

All documents, including letters of recommendation, should be sent to:
Steven.Crunk@fenxiong.net, cc: Amanda.Nasar@fenxiong.net