
Non-major advising (frosh and sophomores):

Contact the College of Humanities and the Arts (H&A) Student Success Center in Clark Hall 244, or call (408) 924-5095 for an appointment. 

Major advising: 

  • Advising appointments for undergraduate English majors (except Single Subject Credential program) will be made via Spartan Connect.  
  • Students must fill out the appropriate advising form(s) before meeting with their advisor. Go to Advising Forms to download the appropriate form(s). 

How to Set Up an Advising Appointment:

  1. Sign in to using the "Sign In" button located in the top right corner.
  2. Using the search bar at the top, type in "Spartan Connect," then hit Enter.
  3. Click on the "Spartan Connect; including advising appts" button
  4. Click on the blue "Appointments, Drop-ins, and Workshops & Events" button located on the right hand side of the page.
  5. For "What service area would you like?" choose "Advising"
  6. For "What general category of advising services would you like?" choose "Major Advising"
  7. For "What specific advising service would you like?" choose "English Major Advising"
  8. Hit the blue "Next" button located in the bottom right corner
  9. For "Pick a (Virtual) Location for your Appointment" choose the advisor that you would like to meet with. Reference the chart below for each advisor's information.
  10. For "Pick A Staff Member" type the name of your advisor, then hit the blue "Next" button
  11. Use the calendar to select the day and time that works best for you. Then, continue to the next page to confirm your appointment. 

    Note: The Spartan Connect System does not allow students to book an appointment if it conflicts with their class schedule. In this case, contact the advisor directly via email to schedule an appointment. You can find the advisor's email on our Faculty Page.

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Advising for the English Credential Program:

Use Dr. Mary Warner's google calendar to sign up for appointments. This feature is for single subject credential (post-baccalaureate) & undergraduate students who already applied for graduation only. No phone appointments. Bring all your unofficial transcripts to the meeting.

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Advising for students changing majors/minors will be made via Spartan Connect.

How to Set Up an Appointment for Changing Major/Minor

  1. Sign in to using the "Sign In" button located in the top right corner.
  2. Using the Search Bar at the top, type in "Spartan Connect," and hit Enter.
  3. Click on the "Spartan Connect; including advising appts" button.
  4. Click on the the blue "Get Assistance" button located in the top right corner.
  5. Choose "Advising."
  6. Choose "Change of Major/Minor."
  7. Choose appropriate major/minor.
  8. Continue to follow the steps according to your schedule until you reach appointment times.
  9. Choose a time that works for you and then click "Next."
  10. Continue to the next page to confirm your appointment.

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Linda Mitchell Advisor, English & English Preparation for Teaching
Professor Linda Mitchell
Faculty Offices - FOB 117
(408) 924-4453
    Nick Taylor

Advisor, Creative Writing;
Director, MFA Creative Writing Program
Professor Nick Taylor
Faculty Offices - FOB 226 
(408) 924-4458

Mark Thompson Advisor, Professional and Technical Writing
Professor Mark Thompson
Faculty Offices - FOB 110 
(408) 924-4433
Mary Warner Director, English Credential Program 
Dr. Mary Warner 
Faculty Offices - FOB 127 
(408) 924-4417
Revathi Krishnaswamy Coordinator, MA Graduate Program  
Professor Revathi Krishnaswamy
Faculty Offices - FOB 109 
(408) 924-1384
image of faculty offices building

Student Contacts

We have over 300 majors in our Department. If you're interested in speaking to some of them, contact the department office at (408) 924-4425.