Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) School Counseling Credential
If you are interested in being a credentialed elementary, middle, or high school counselor in California and you have earned a master's degree in Counseling and Guidance or a closely related field (e.g., Clinical Counseling, Counseling Psychology, or Social Work) from a regionally accredited college or university, you can apply directly to our Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) School Counseling Credential program [with or without an added Child Welfare and Attendance (CWA) Authorization]. Our PPS School Counseling Credential and CWA Authorization programs are accredited by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) - Pupil Personnel Services Credential for Individuals Prepared in California.
Please note that although there are three types of PPS Credentials (PPS in School Counseling, PPS in School Social Work, PPS in School Psychology), our department's is specifically a PPS Credential in School Counseling.
The San Jose State University's School of Social Work offers program options for the PPS in School Social Work. For more information, please go to School of Social Work PPSC Credentials.
If you have not earned a master's degree in Counseling and Guidance (or in Clinical Counseling, Counseling Psychology, or Social Work ), you need to apply via the MA in Counseling and Guidance program option and complete all requirements for both the master's degree and PPS School Counseling Credential.
If you are interested in learning more about the program options offered through 菠菜网lol正规平台's Counselor Education Department and their requirements, please sign up to attend a department information session. Information session dates and times can be found on the department's home page at http://yf6q.fenxiong.net/counselored/
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
As a result of completing this program, students will:
1. Design culturally sustaining prevention and intervention counseling programs within educational environments
2. Model ethical and inclusive leadership skills that promote equity, social justice, and student success
3. Apply effective and inclusive assessment practices within their work with school and community stakeholders
4. Create social, cultural, and educational interventions that support students’ academic advancement
5. Select and apply relevant research methods to conduct program evaluations, supported by effective technological applications
Completing the Requirements for the PPS School Counseling Credential
Upon Admission
- Attend a Counselor Education Department New Student Orientation.
- Register in the program’s foundational courses via the one.菠菜网lol正规平台 portal.
- Add courses during the first week of classes if you miss your enrollment appointment.
Complete the Foundational Coursework / Requirements
- Contact the Department Office for your faculty advisor's contact information and schedule an advising appointment if necessary
- Submit verification that you have met (or plan to meet) the Basic Skills Requirement (BSR). Complete the Basic Skills Requirement Verification form [pdf] and email it to the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Credentials Office at Credentials@fenxiong.net and provide documentation to the Graduate Fieldwork Coordinator prior to starting your fieldwork.
- Complete the School Counseling Specialization Foundational Core Course Requirements - EDCO 215, 218, 227, 232, 244, 266, 282, & 294 - before taking Advanced Professional Development courses
- Complete 100 hours of school counseling practicum experience before beginning fieldwork experience (EDCO 292: Supervised Experience in Counseling)
- Apply for clearance before beginning fieldwork.
Complete the Advanced Coursework/Requirements
- Complete the eight Advanced Professional Development courses (24 units) plus nine units/600 hours (3 units = 200 hours) of Supervised Experience in Counseling. A minimum of 400 hours have to be completed in public K-12 schools with a minimum of 200 hours at each of two K-12 school levels. These hours are typically completed across three semesters.
- Complete the Basic Skills Requirement [pdf]. You will not be able to apply for a clear (or internship) PPS Credential until you complete the Basic Skills Requirement (BSR).
Complete Your Program Exit Review
- Make an appointment with your department advisor to review the completion of the PPS School Counseling Credential (and CWA Authorization, if applicable) program requirements using the PPS School Counseling Credential Approved Program Contract form.
- Upon completion of the program requirements, have your advisor sign your PPS School Counseling Credential Approved Program Contract form.
- After your advisor approves and signs your PPS School Counseling Credential Approved Program Contract form, the Department Chair will review and sign your completed Approved Program Contract form as the Program Director.
- Use the signed copy of the PPS School Counseling Credential Approved Program Contract form to apply for your clear PPS School Counseling Credential (and CWA Authorization, if applicable).
Apply for Your Clear PPS K-12 School Counseling Credential
- Order official transcripts that include the conferral of your bachelor's and/or master’s degree if not completed at 菠菜网lol正规平台.
- Complete the clear PPS School Counseling Credential Checklist and application package. (The completed and signed PPS School Counseling Approved Program Contract form is one of the items on the checklist.)
- Contact the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Lurie College of Education's Credentials Office if you need additional assistance with completing the clear PPS School Counseling Credential application process.