Student Resources
Student Forms
Some of the forms date from the time when we were using Social Security numbers. If you use such a form, please enter the Student ID instead.
Graduate Program Forms
Undergraduate Program Forms
- Online Advanced Registration form (NEW!)
- B.S. Engineering Advising Hold Removal Form [doc]
- Repeating a Course for More Than Two Times Petition for CMPE/SE students [pdf](NEW!)
Graduation Application Packet for BS Computer and Software Engineering
- CMPE Graduation Packet Checklist [pdf]
- SE Graduation Packet Checklist [pdf]
- Graduation Survey
- Courses Not Completed - for the Baccalaureate Degree [pdf]
- Petition to take Graduate Course for Undergraduate Credit [pdf]
- Transfer Equivalency Form
- Prerequisites for each of the Fall 2000 – Spring 2009 catalogs [pdf]
- Course Equivalency (now on registrar website - see below)
- Course Substitution (now on registrar website - see below)
Guidelines and Samples
CMPE Major Forms
- Computer Engineering Major Form (Fall 2016 - Fall 2019 Catalog) [doc] NEW!
- Computer Engineering Major Form (Fall 2015 Catalog) [doc]
- Computer Engineering Major Form (Fall 2014 Catalog) [doc]
SE Major Forms
- Software Engineering Major Form (Fall 2016 - Fall 2019 Catalog) [doc] NEW!
- Software Engineering Major Form (Fall 2015 Catalog) [doc]
Click University Undergraduate Forms to obtain the following list of forms:
Click University Graduate Forms to obtain the following list of forms:
To view [pdf] content you may need to download Adobe Reader.
Request Forms
- Category 1: International Students
- Category 2: Program Admission
- Category 3: Curriculum
- Category 4: Project and Writing Requirement
- Category 5: Enrollment
- Category 7: Graduation
- Category 8: Leave
- Category 9: Do not Process
Category 1: International Students
1.1 CPT request form
Student submits:
- CPT Undergrad request form Coversheet [pdf]
- CPT Grad request form Coversheet [pdf]
- A completed ISSS CPT form (Located in the International Studies Dept.)
- The offer letter
- A completed CMPE 298I Form (Located in the Computer Engineering Dept.)
- A copy of 菠菜网lol正规平台 admission letter
- A copy of the unofficial student record from My菠菜网lol正规平台
- A copy of Program of Study (must be completely typewritten with proposed
- courses to be taken and include all 298I internships)
1.2 OPT request form
Student submits:
- OPT request form coversheet [pdf]
- A completed ISSS OPT form (Located in the International Studies Dept.)
- A copy of the unofficial student record My菠菜网lol正规平台
- A completed OPT memo (Located in the Computer Engineering Dept.)
- A copy of Program of Study (must be completely typewritten)
1.3 Reduce course load request form
Student submits:
- Reduce course load request form coversheet [pdf]
- Completed ISSS Request to Reduce Course Load form (Located in the International Studies Dept.)
- Completed Reduced Course Load memo (Located in the Computer Engineering Dept.)
- A copy of the unofficial student transcript from My菠菜网lol正规平台
- A copy of 菠菜网lol正规平台 admission letter
- A copy of Program of Study(must be completely typewritten)
1.4 Letter for change of status to F1 request form
Student submits:
- Letter for change of status to F1 request form coversheet [pdf]
- A copy of the unofficial student record from My菠菜网lol正规平台
- A copy of Program of Study (must be completely typewritten)
- A completed Academic Standing memo ( Located in the Computer Engineering Dept.)
Category 2 : Program Admission
2.1 Transfer from other program
- Student submits a Change of Major Application form to 菠菜网lol正规平台 Graduate Studies Office (not department office)[pdf]
- Student checks with 菠菜网lol正规平台 Graduate Studies Office about the status
2.2 Reinstatement after disqualification request form coversheet
Student submits:
- Reinstatement Petition Coversheet [pdf]
- A completed Petition for Reinstatement [pdf] package
- All supporting documents
- A copy of the unofficial student record from My菠菜网lol正规平台
- A copy of 菠菜网lol正规平台 admission letter
- A copy of Program of Study (must be completely typewritten)
Category 3: Curriculum
3.1 Establish and update Program of Study
Department office does not process this request
- For a MS in CMPE student, a Program of Study must be established during the orientation session. It will be updated only for exceptional situations.
- For a MS in SE student, a Program of Study will be established only for exceptional situations.
Exceptional situations are
- Take non-CMPE courses (see non-CMPE section)
- Transfer non-菠菜网lol正规平台 courses (see non-菠菜网lol正规平台 section)
- Apply for CPT (see CPT section)
3.2 Take non-CMPE department or program course request form coversheet
Student submits:
- Non-CMPE program request coversheet [pdf]
- A copy of the unofficial student record from My菠菜网lol正规平台
- A copy of 菠菜网lol正规平台 admission letter
- Two copies of Program of Study (must be completely typewritten with proposed courses to be taken)
- A copy of the non-CMPE course description 菠菜网lol正规平台 Catalog
3.3 Transfer course credit form
Student submits:
- Transfer course coversheet [pdf]
- A copy of the unofficial student record from My菠菜网lol正规平台
- A copy of 菠菜网lol正规平台 admission letter
- A copy of Program of Study(must be completely typewritten)
- A copy of the non-菠菜网lol正规平台 course description
- A copy of the transcript for the non-菠菜网lol正规平台 course
- A 菠菜网lol正规平台 Request for Validation of Transfer Credit
3.4 Waive a core course request form
Student submits:
- Waive a core course coversheet [pdf]
- A copy of the transcript containing the equivalent course
- A copy of the course description
- A copy of Program of Study (must be completely typewritten)
3.5 Waive a Discrete Math Prerequisite for MS SE
Student submits:
- Discrete Math Prerequisite coversheet [pdf]
- A copy of the transcript containing the equivalent course
- A copy of all University Math syllabi that contain Discrete Math subjects. Students must circle Discrete Math topics in the syllabi.
- A copy of Program of Study (must be completely typewritten)
Category 4: Project and Writing Requirements
4.1 Take CMPE 298 to extend CMPE 295 and 295B request form
Student submits:
- Extend CMPE 295 and 295B coversheet [pdf]
- A complete CMPE 298 form [pdf] with project advisor's signature
- A copy of the unofficial student record from My菠菜网lol正规平台
- A copy of 菠菜网lol正规平台 admission letter
- A copy of Program of Study (must be completely typewritten)
4.2 Waive technical writing requirement request form
Student submits:
- Waive technical writing coversheet [pdf]
- A letter to describe the request
- All supporting documents
- A copy of the unofficial student record from My菠菜网lol正规平台
- A copy of Program of Study
Category 5: Enrollment
5.1 Remove advising hold request form
Student submits:
- A copy of the unofficial student record from My菠菜网lol正规平台
- A copy of 菠菜网lol正规平台 admission letter
- A copy of Program of Study (must be completely typewritten)
5.2 Retroactive drop request form
Student submits:
- A completed Retroactive Course Drop form with instructor's signature
- A copy of the unofficial student record from My菠菜网lol正规平台
- A copy of 菠菜网lol正规平台 admission letter
- A copy of Program of Study (must be completely typewritten)
Category 7: Graduation
7.1 File Candidacy form request form
Student submits:
- Candidacy request coversheet [pdf]
- An original and completed Candidacy form with filled prerequisite section (Exact 30 units; enter Prerequisites; enter 295A/295B, or 299 in section B)
- A copy of the unofficial student record from My菠菜网lol正规平台
- A copy of 菠菜网lol正规平台 admission letter
- A copy of Program of Study
- A copy of Request for Validation of Transfer Credit form
- A documented proof of waiving core courses
- A documented proof of waiving prerequisite course
- A documented proof of waiving technical writing requirement
- A documented proof of approval of taking non-CMPE department course
- A documented proof of approval of taking non-CMPE program course
7.2 Course substitution request form
Student submits:
- Substitution request coversheet [pdf]
- A copy of the approved Candidacy form
- An original Request for Course Substitution form
- A copy of the unofficial student record from My菠菜网lol正规平台
- Two copies of Program of Study
7.3 Apply for graduation
- Student submits following forms to 菠菜网lol正规平台 Graduate Studies Office (not department office
- Request for Award of Masters Degree [pdf]
- Course Substitution form if necessary
- Student contacts 菠菜网lol正规平台 Graduate Studies Office for the status
Category 8: Leave
8.1 Leave of absence request form
Student submits:
- Leave of absence request coversheet [pdf]
- A completed Leave of Absence form
- A copy of the unofficial student record from My菠菜网lol正规平台
- All supporting documents
8.2 Withdraw from the University request form
Student submits:
- Withdraw request coversheet [pdf]
- A completed Graduate Petition for Course/Semester Withdrawal
- A copy of the unofficial student record from
- All supporting documents
Category 9: Do not Process
9.1 Change classification status
- Department office does not process such requests
- When a student take CMPE 295, 295A, or 299, a candidacy form must be filed. Upon the approval of the candidacy form, a students status will be automatically changed to "Classified".
9.2 Enroll in a class without prerequisites
- Department office does not process such requests
- This is the decision of individual instructor.
9.3 Update program of study
- Department office does not process such requests
- Refer to requests from other categories
Student Organizations
College of Engineering student organization page
Useful Links
- 菠菜网lol正规平台 Information
- Financial Aid
- Scholarships
- My菠菜网lol正规平台
- Fees & Tuition
- Housing
- Getting an admission at 菠菜网lol正规平台: Online applications through CSU Mentor
- Application form and admission requirements: 菠菜网lol正规平台 Admissions
- University events: University Calendar
- University Schedule of Classes
- Graduation
- University Forms
- Transfer of credits: Course Articulation
- General education requirements
- 菠菜网lol正规平台 Directory
- 菠菜网lol正规平台 Library
- Student Advising Center
- Learning Assistance Resource Center
- Writing Center
- Career Center
- International House